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EmpowHER Guest

I've been reading a lot of posts over the past two weeks, and I'm positive my fiance is having normal symptoms after taking the plan b pill, but I'd like to see if anyone has an answer that may help calm our nerves.

We had unprotected sex on Oct. 31st, in which I ejaculated inside of her. She was on her period from Oct. 26-Nov. 2, and she took the plan b pill roughly 50 hours after having unprotected sex. Within a couple of days she was having headaches and lower back pain, which we knew was normal. Within a week after having sex (5 days after the pill) she had the typical "spotting/cramping" and period-like symptoms. That lasted about 4 days (until Nov. 11th).

Today (17th), she texted me telling me that she's having cramps and/or stomach pain relative to PMS. She doesn't feel nauseous (headaches or dizzy) but feels like she could throw up. Is this normal? Mind you, she took the pill 15 days ago. Also, could this be a sign of pregnancy? She's not due to have her period until at least next weekend, but we know taking this pill could throw that off--are we able to take a pregnancy test by early next week and get solid results?

Would definitely love some feedback, please. Thanks!

November 17, 2011 - 4:37pm


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