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EmpowHER Guest

My period ended on Oct. 9. Stupid me had unprotected sex on Oct. 10 (at approximately 7:30 p.m.) with a man who had a Vasectomy more than 5 years ago. Took Plan B on Oct. 11 at approximately 8:30 a.m. On Oct. 17, had what seemed like a mini period. I had to wear thin pads for about 4-5 days along with cramping and the uterus lining shedding (looking like clotting and this is normal within my cycle). Now I think I'm ovulating because I am having this egg-white looking discharge, which I'm used to getting every month and my Dr. said it is a good thing. My regular cycle is due to start on Nov. 3rd, but I'm just concerned and pretty much freaked out. I cannot get pregnant. Am I worrying about nothing? Need some advice or guidance, response, etc. Thanks!

November 2, 2011 - 8:24am


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