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Okay, so last month I had two periods. I stopped my Nuvaring early because it was making me feel sick and I had what I am assuming to be breakthrough bleeding five days later. Then, two weeks later, I had another period/breakthrough bleeding. According to my app on my phone that tracks these sort of things, I was due to start my period the 19th (28-30 days later). However, the weekend of the 12-13 I had unprotected sex and took the morning after pill around 10:30 the next morning. I was feeling icky for a few days after that. I started bleeding on the 20th (Saturday) bright pink blood that became bright red blood which is different for me (usually my periods are a dark red and very thick and heavy). This is of a medium flow and bright red. There are clots. Anyway, I was confused as to whether or not this is to be expected, if it was withdrawal bleeding, or if I should be afraid of an etopic pregnancy. The nurse practitioner at my gyno tested me negative for pregnancy and wrote me a prescription for birth control to start immediately following my period in order to regulate me. After a short examination, she said she was fairly certain I was not pregnant and my period should start within the next two weeks and if it didn't, to call. Well, is this my period? I started Saturday night and it's still continuing today.

August 21, 2011 - 2:13pm


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