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Hello, Im 16 years old and I am so worried.... my last period started on June 27 and ended July 1st. Then on July 4th I had sex with my boyfriend we started without protection but then towards the end he decided to put a condom on...so the next day he was worried because he though some precum could have gotten inside me since we started doing it without protection first...so he bought me the next choice day aftepill and I took it on July 5th in the afternoon...then we had sex again on July 6th but this time it was protected sex with a condom when we finished we did the "water test" and there was no breaking or any holes in the condom...

Then a week later after taking next choice on July 11th I experienced bleeding which lasted 5 days..

However I'm really worried right now because it is August 4th and I'm 8 days late and still haven't gotten my period...was that bleeding that I experienced a week after next choice my new period since it lasted 5 days? or is my regular period should be on its way soon?

Thank you!

August 4, 2011 - 11:57pm


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