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Hi everyone, I'm 20 years old and everyone's questions relate back to the same situation I was just recently in! I found it helpful when I read positive stories that people shared, so I hope this makes everyone's nerves go down. I'll break it all down..

January 27th: My period ended
January 28th: Has sex with my boyfriend, condom broke
January 29th: That morning we bought Plan B and took it immediately
January 29th-February 1st: No Plan B symptoms
February 2nd: I started to feel nauseous, vomited
February 3rd: I woke up with strong cramps that felt similar to menstrual cramps. Towards the afternoon, I started to experience spotting and bleeding. It was brown at first, and then started to become heavier and red, like a normal period. I was a little worried since my last period had JUST ended a week ago.
February 3rd-8th: The bleeding lasted like a normal period for me with normal period symptoms.

February 22nd was the date where my next period would have came if I wouldn't have taken Plan B. Last year I took Plan B and it didn't affect my period cycle at all, so I became worried about it not arriving yet. I read on various sites that Plan B sometimes delays a period by a week, sometimes two. It may also cause it to come early (maybe that's what happened to me, because of my period on 2/3/2011). On March 1st, I took a pregnancy test and it came out negative.. I was getting worried that Plan B failed because a period had not come yet, but I was experiencing symptoms of menstrual cramping since the 27th of February.

Today, March 3rd, 2011 I began what I believe is my next period! It makes sense to me since it's been exactly a month since my "other period" began. I am ALWAYS regular, it's been that way since I started to get my periods.

Being stressed out delays your period. I remember I was worried about having my period once for vacation and I kept stressing about it (I wasn't have sex at the time) and it delayed my period by a week because I was so worried. You must also remember Plan B is a dosage of TWO birth control pills. The effect it has on your hormones is unbelievable. All I can suggest is relax, if I have to buy and take a home pregnancy test, and wait.. your period will come when it's ready.


March 3, 2011 - 1:53pm


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