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EmpowHER Guest

ok so heres the scoop.
my girlfriend and i had sex 2 days after getting her period. i did pullout before i ejaculated but to be sure we went along and got plan. she took the pill about 2 and half days later. not over 72 hours!

about a week later she noticed some bleeding and spotting. its lasted 3-4 days sometimes heavy sometimes light.

ive heard plan B can cause your period to come earlier than expected and that it is totally normal to experience period like symptoms ( abdominal pain, spotting, bleeding, the usual lalallal)

for reassurance... she took the pill 2 days after the end of her period. a week later she gets another possible period. the thing that confuses us is that she has taken plan B before but she did not have these symptoms. could it just be that this time was different and her body decided it wasnt happy with the hormonal levels.

also se is already very light on her period. she gets them about every 23-28 days give or take. she hardly ever gets bad cramps and her normal periods are usually very short 3-4 days. shes also very very athletic. ive heard that if you are very athletic things like a shorter lighter period are common.

and info and reassurance would be greatly appreciated.

after her next period comes or if this was her most recent period. we will be heading over to planned parent to talk with them about birth control and all sorts of other things.

February 19, 2011 - 11:19am


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