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Hi Everyone!
Im 22 years old and I was on birth control for 7 years and just recently got off of them in October. I did get my period in November and was waiting for it to come again in December. I never had a period in December and today is January 25 and I usually get my periods the last week on January. Therefore I am almost 2 Months late. I took 3 HPT 3 weeks ago and all of them turned out negative. I told my obgyn and she ordered me lab work to be done. I got my results this morning and my blood test pregnancy test came out negative and my HCG and prolactin came out normal range. I haven't had any symptoms of pregnancy. I only got sick to my stomach when I thought too much on "what if im pregnant" and that always got me freaked out. Anyways, I scheduled an appointment for my OBGYN in February and I think if I still don't get my period then, she said she was going to do an ultra sound to be safe.
I have been under a lot of stress because I ask myself everyday, why haven't I got my period?? and plus, im taking 22 units in college so thats pretty stressful too.

Hope my story helps. I know reading other peoples stories makes you feel a little better.

January 25, 2011 - 9:52am


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