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Ok so I have a similar problem. I had a hook-up go wrong! We had sex monday 12/20 in the morning and when he came the condom broke. It was a brand new pack of trojan ultra thin expiration date 3 years from date used...anyway we went and bought next choice cause they were out of plan B. I took the first pill @ 2pm and the following @ 2am...I experienced no side effects except for a slight headache. We had sex again 12/22 and we didn't want the condom to break again so he pulled out. Sun night 12/26 I have started a light brownish red sort of period...is it normal to have a period 5 days after plan B? Also another concern is when he came and the condom broke I was having a deep orgasm as well, does coming simultaneously increase risk of pregnancy since the vagina walls are pulsating?

December 27, 2010 - 11:56am


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