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hello my issue is a little complicated because i don't know if I am pregnant or just have cold but here we go. First of all I take bc pills on a regular basis and it's the 28 day cycle. My last period that I KNOW was regular was July 29th. After that I purposely overlapped my bc pills for the month of Aug since I was going on vacation..I had not had sex again after July 29th until August 28th and since I was paranoid I took a plan b the next day anyways even though we used condoms for Most of the time. On Sept 7th I got what I believe was my period..it seemed regular but I am not sure I do know that I used my normal supply of pads and tampons..but now on Sept 17th I have been feeling really tired and sick, my nose is stuffy (i have allergies) and fatigued and I have body aches so I am wondering if I could be pregnant. I think it's too early to take a pregnancy test

September 19, 2010 - 1:17pm


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