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EmpowHER Guest

Hi, I was hoping you could help me too, Alison. I had sex on June 18th, the day my period ended, and we were afraid there might have been some leakage at the base of the condom so I took plan B on June 20th. I was hoping for my period later this week or early next week (so that would be June 12th due to my 28 day cycle, roughly), but I started bleeding this morning. There has been no spotting or bleeding since I took the plan B until today. It's been somewhat medium bleeding, which is odd because usually my periods are very heavy the first two days. But I know that plan B can cause lighter periods, although I was expecting a heavier one since that seems to be the case with almost everything I'm reading. I've also had cramps and a little bit of nauseousness Is this bleeding my period? Could I be pregnant? Please, please help! Thank you

July 4, 2010 - 2:43pm


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