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My last period was August 10th it lasted until the 15th. Two days later I and my boyfriend had unprotected sex, as well as the next day. I wasn’t able to get plan b until 73 hours later unfortunately. I took it and everything was fine, slight discomfort but I assumed that it was normal. Sense then I has been experiencing some odd feelings. I get super lightheaded at the most random times, especially when I stand up. extremely hard stool , somewhat constipated , slight queasy feelings before and after eating ( but not every time) , gas like you wouldn’t believe but more like a bubbling pressure that was almost painful, mild lower back pain, and have been sleeping like a ROCK .I woke up this morning ( the 24th of august )and had some light brown spotting. A few moments later I went to the bathroom again and when I wiped there was browning red blood. HELP! My period shouldn’t be here for another 17 days!? What could be going on? Any response will be greatly appreciated!

August 24, 2012 - 12:34pm


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