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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Hello, I'm the one who originally posted this comment--I'm just reporting back. So, after a couple of nerve-racking weeks of not knowing exactly what was happening or what to expect, my fiance started her period on Dec. 3rd. Both of us were extremely happy to find out she's not pregnant (and lucky!), but we know we should have never been in that spot to begin with. We agreed to go all out traditional and wait to have sex again after we get married. It's the safest and most sure way to avoid pregnancy.

So, for those of you reading, some of the symptoms are kind of funky and not normal, BUT, to the plan b pill, the "not normal & funky" symptoms ARE normal. My fiance had a short delay in her actual period, and everything between her previous period and this one is normal when taking plan b. It's kind of nerve-racking when abnormal things start happening the first time you take it (my fiance said she's NEVER going through that again because it scared the poo out of her), but that's simply the plan b doing its thing.

Hope this response helps to those who are reading!

December 7, 2011 - 6:55am


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