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Hi everyone! Age 65, horrific allergy to mold outside. Got severe sinus and ear infection and allergic bronchitis. Well antibiotics x 3 rounds got rid of the infections (the cough was beyond beyond) and now it's May 2017. The sinuses and ears got so inflammed I wanted to kill myself! Went to an awesome ENT which I should have done first. Had previously seen primary care doc, CVS minute clinic, then an allergist. Each gave me the following: antibiotics with and without Prednisone (each time the Prednisone worked x about 4-5 days dose). Then just antibiotic, on and on. The ENT said there was no more infection, no more fluid in the ears - finally! So two weeks ago May 2017 he put me on a 12 day 10 mg dose step up and then down Prednisone pac. OMG! I have been awake for ten days sleeping in short bursts when I exhaust myself cleaning everything in sight! Ive been eating and eating and gained ten pounds that I had lost and worked so hard to lose. Thankfully I have only tonight, tmrw and Wednesday the last of the dosages to consumme. The euphoria we all mention is there (been there done this drug before for sinus issues), but then....then you come crashing down...so I'm ready for it. Ready for this weight to come off of me. Don't care if I'm not as clear headed off than on it...I don't work full time....but really great to kill that inflammation. If you don't need to use it - don't but if you do short term it will take care of you. And now it's 2:30 pm and I need a nap. Only slept about two hours last night - the longest yet - nightmares yes! that too. Been up since 4 am. Good luck everyone!

May 22, 2017 - 11:28am


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