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EmpowHER Guest

I live in a very rural area so my options for alternative treatments is rather limited. Before I moved here three years ago, I had acupuncture once a week.

I've tried applying a thin layer of benedryl cream (helped a little with the itching) and a thin layer of cortisone (big mistake - burned like crazy). I'm not wearing any eye make-up and plan to throw out what I have and buy new. The thing that seems to relieve the symptoms the most is putting a cool wet cloth over my eyes.

Unfortunately, the eye doc isn't open today. Hopefully, if he can treat this, they can get me in right away. He is the only opthamologist for about 50 miles.

I know I would feel better overall if I cut out wheat and dairy. I, too, have a lot of heat in my body. There is one acupuncturist in my area but he doesnt practice TCM - he works with a group of Physical Therapists. Drumweaver - what food products are you eating to take the place of the wheat? That is such a hard item to cut out of the diet.

February 8, 2010 - 11:23am


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