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Hey Annette: Remember me -you old penpal -susan wright from gainesville florida
You are awesome -as usual!!! I love what you wrote about being grateful! That's been my new word this month -being grateful!! I am also grateful for my husband, family, lots and lots of friends, our YMCA where I spend a whole lot of time doing lots of wonderful fitness classes and strength-train, my loving and great teaching church -and now: my cancer recurrence gave me the justification & ability to cut my client work to part-time after a lifetime of full-time and do something I've dreamed of but never did -take classes at the University.... I am so excited! Start next week! I love bible, history & political science and will be taking a combo of studies. I found out that as long as my mind is filled to the brim with challenging, exciting and fun stuff the monster keeps from getting in. Keeping physically and mentally and spiritually fit is the answer for me!! And loving and being loved by my family and friends!!
Every day God gives us can be a good day -we can make it better by being grateful!!!!
Ps: today our little support group is going to our teaching hospital & speaking in a class of med students
(i'm in the 3rd phase clinical trial for Avastin; finished the carboplatin/gemzar 3mos ago and am now doing Avastin every 21days till the cancer breaks thru and progresses again) -stuff aint too bad -i've learned to live with the side affects pretty well-doesn't mess with my 2-3hr/day fitness schedule too much
i'm pretty sure this trial will approve Avastin for Ovarian Cancer. didn't go into full remission this time so this trial is a major blessing!! will keep a 2nd recurrence at bay for a while -and although Avastin has side-affects, they're certainly not nearly as troublesome as typical chemo.....
How are you and what are you up to -where are you in your treatments?
Luv Ya
Miss Ya

August 19, 2009 - 5:49am


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