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Hi I read the comments about the risk of being pregnant just by the guy ejaculating on or near the vagina and honestly I never knew that before and now I am scared.Two nights ago a guy I meet a week ago and I were suppose to go watch a movie but he insisted that he had to go change so we went to his friend's appartment nearby,they both spoke in their native language (spanish) and then his friend left the appartment locking us both inside.The guy then attempted to rape me,he almost succeded except he cum before he could entre into me,I didnt wash myself off right away but I did feel sticky and cold so I used toilet paper to pad my underware until i got home which was two hours after the incident.I was happy that it worked out that way because as I told him I didnt want sex,I never wanted to be touched so soon but he came onto me really strong and after reading this I am now worried that I might be at risk of pregnancy or STDS as well,I pray God im safe because if im not i dont know how to tell my parents this,He was so scared and he was appolegetic in the end though.

November 14, 2011 - 3:21am


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