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EmpowHER Guest

Um about five days ago me' and my boyfriend were messing around and I gave him a blowjob. He ejaculated on his stomach and at least two minutes later I was rubbing my labia on his shaft and a little on the tip, I don't remember for sure if his penis touched my clitoris, but I know it didn't touch my vagina, and if it did it would have touched the shaft. Ever since I have been stressing out and worrying all day. I am afraid I could get pregnant from this. I'm only 15, and I should be getting my period around the 6th-8th of July. I'm supposed to be going to get birth control on the 11th. Also, today I noticed some white clumpy discharge, but only a little. Could this be a sign of pregnancy already?! Could all this stress make my period come late? Please reply quickly, thank you.

July 1, 2011 - 10:51pm


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