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(reply to mfs)

Wow MFS,
That is some fast weight loss! I think 10lbs. in a month is what's recommended. What were you using? You may want to check in with your doctor just to make sure everything's ok. The thing about weight loss tools (pills, diets, etc.), you want to make sure the weight loss doesn't come as a detriment to your health. Work closely with your doctor.
As mentioned to the other poster, you may want to check out these articles for further explanation. No you can't get pregnant from dry sex. There needs to be real penis to vagina contact with ejaculate present to get pregnant.
For more information, please review these articles: Am I Pregnant after Dry Sex, Making Out with Clothes On?, Outercourse, Dry Humping, Dry Sex, and The Misconceptions of Sex.

May 9, 2011 - 9:48am


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