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(reply to Christine Jeffries)

Hi, Christine. I'm actually the one who wrote the comment about the dry humping and weight loss, I'm sorry I didn't log in for that.

I was trying to lose weight, yes. I lost about 18 pounds in 3 weeks or something. I am pretty irregular with my periods to begin with and I can't even remember when was the last time I didn't freak about having had fully protected sex, because I am very paranoid and I stress out so easily, which is what is happening now. With my age, I should know better.

Are you sure I can't get pregnant in the situation I described? His underwear on, no ejaculation or penetration whatsoever? I really need reassurance. My bf just went to the drug store, described the situation and the pharmacist sold him a pregnancy test. I'm really incredibly stressed out.

May 9, 2011 - 10:17am


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