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Hi all. Like a month and a few days ago, me and my boyfriend engaged in some dry humping. I was naked but he was wearing his underwear. I was on top so I just rubbed my clit against him. He did not ejaculate and the head of the penis was not in contact with my vagina (besides being with underwear on). Pretty sure I was not in my fertile days. I am very, very irregular in my periods and even my "normal" cycle takes about 36-37 days, but I'm quite late at the moment. The stupid part is that I'm not sure how long because I started writing down my cycles so I could relax a bit but I lost the thing where I was writing it down. I should add that besides the great amounts of stress, I lost a lot of weight during this time, very quickly. Is it possible that I'm just late? I'm freaking out a lot, I'm so, so scared. Really...

May 9, 2011 - 9:38am


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