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(reply to Anonymous)

Hi Anonymous,
Anytime you have penis to vagina contact and there is ejaculate from the penis that gets into the vagina, you could get pregnant. It is not uncommon for your period to not be on a set schedule. A normal menstrual cycle generally ranges anywhere from 24-32 days long, with 2-7 days of period flow at the beginning of each cycle. Your menstrual cycle starts with day one as the first day you get your period. If you are having regular sexual activity, you may want to get in to see a doctor to have your reproductive health checked, including being checked for STDs, and to assure everything is as it should be. At that time, your doctor can help you decide on a birth control method that is right for you, regardless if it is condoms, birth control pills (which also can be used to help regulate your menstrual cycle), or abstinence, and protect against unwanted pregnancy and STDs.
For more information, about sexual activity, what sex is, and how to know if you are pregnant or not, check out these articles:
Am I Pregnant after Dry Sex, Making Out with Clothes On?, Outercourse, Dry Humping, Dry Sex, and The Misconceptions of Sex.
These articles also may provide some insight about "what is a normal period": How to Know if Your Period is Normal, and ]]>MedlinePlus: Heavy, Prolonged or Irregular Period]]>.

May 4, 2011 - 8:51am


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