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(reply to Anonymous)

Hi Anonymous,
Yes, it's completely possible it will start in the next couple days. It's normal for your period to change anywhere in the range from 28-32 days. If you skip your period, keep track of it on a calendar, and any symptoms. Be sure to not put yourself at increased risk for pregnancy by using condoms or getting on birth control pills (or both!). If you don't get your period for 90 days you may want to make an appointment with your doctor to see what's going on. There are several things that can cause your period to change or skip like excessive exercise, stress, poor diet, sickness, etc.
For more information, please review: How to Know if Your Period is Normal, and The Misconceptions of Sex.
Good luck, and let us know how you're doing.

March 1, 2011 - 10:33am


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