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EmpowHER Guest

It worries me to see girls who aren't "educated" enough about what the risks are with being sexually active. If you are asking yourselves these questions, you dont have enough information and therefore are making uneducated decisions about your lives. Pregnancy is one thing - STD's are another.

I understand that we've all been through our teenage years and have 'experimented' with sexual behaviours but it is incredibly important that you take the task of educating yoursleves completely about everthing from pregnancy to STD's very seriously. Good on you for asking these questions but please make sure you are more carefull now. Remember that you can get Pregnant or contract an STD from Non-penetrative contact and that it only takes one little sperm in moist vagina to get you pregnant. The risks are obviousy lower if you are not letting him penetrate you but there is still a risk if he is at your vagina's opening.

One more thing to remember. Your boyfriend may have only ever had one other sexual partner but she might have been with 10 other guys, each of whom might have been with 10 other girls - and so it goes on... You are exposing your healthy body to a whole world of germs and STD's by playing around without condoms. You only have one body. Look after it! Dont play with fire!

May 2, 2010 - 2:44pm


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