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(reply to Anonymous)

I considered it and rejected it as the same thing happens no matter where I wash my hands including the hospital! Water heaters can sometimes be a source of mold, I forget which kind and I did come across a man somewhere who said the Chinese, believe this to be from mold ingestion and it heats up your blood and melts the fats so it comes out your pores. I guess the mold can be ingested anywhere and not necessarily from your own home,even outdoors. I had a little trouble swallowing that but... for lack of other cause...It is hard for us to determine without knowing each others lifestyles ( food, housing, region, meds and so on) I do keep in mind I not only wash in the water I drink it.
To anon, I am not a diabetic thank you for your input. Yeast feeds on sugar, I am adding this just to get it out.

August 30, 2011 - 5:47am


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