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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Hi, All. Lora here. I have sticky skin and I have not been on any of the drugs you mention. This past year I was on several supplements that contained yeast. I did have a food allergy test recently and yeast was a definite substance I am to avoid. So, I'm wondering if I have candidas - a yeast overgrowth. My alternative MD told me no cane sugar, no yeast, and to take 2 teaspoons of Bragg's organic applecider vinegar with each meal. He also has me on a parasite cleanse. On my own, I have started zapping with the Clark bio wave generator. I'm still wondering if it's something in my water heater. If I don't get better with what I am doing I am going to replace the water heater. Anyone else considered the water heater?

August 29, 2011 - 6:57pm


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