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Wow, I'm hearing too many similarities to my own situation not to be ignored. In May I was admitted to the hospital for a DHE treatment to try & break a 5-yr continuous migraine. What was supposed to be only 48 hrs of hanging out while receiving the IV med turned into a 5-day stay when my cortisol level bottomed out. I was even more sick/exhausted after returning home & slept 15+ hrs/day for the next 5 days. Once home I continued on the lamictal that I started in the hospital. During the first month of the lamictal I began noticing that my inner legs were sticking to each other during the night. The lamictal gave me such horrific night terrors, halucenations, etc. that I assumed the sticky legs were from night sweats. Although effective in noticably lessening the migraine, I couldn't handle the emotional upset from the dreams. So, I was prescribed topamax as an alternative (late June). By July I was very much aware that what once had been a stickiness on my upper legs & inner thighs had spread to my arms. By the end of the month my entire head & body were covered. At that time it all seemed so odd that I still doubted the seriousness of the matter, even wondering at times if it was a case of too much imagination. In late June I stopped taking the topamax in part due to some of the side effects & b/c I had upcoming surgery.
The first week in August I had a multi-level spinal fusion, the stress of which again caused my cortisol level to plummet. By the time I left the hospital even my family could see a much heavier, sticky wax-like covering over my skin (& now hair) whereas before they weren't even sure if they were feeling it the same as I. 10 days following surgery I was started on prednisone to help some of the aftermath issues --- extreme exhaustion, rapid weight loss, low-grade fever, inflamation, etc. The on-going prednisone is the only new medication being taken now that was not taken for a month prior to surgery.
Not sure if i's just wishful thinking, but I have noticed that over the past few days that this skin covering may be improving slightly. It's not getting any worse which in & of itself is something to be thankful for. After reading these last few posts I can't help but feel we may have found the connection to the cause. The fact that this covering can't be washed off, scratched through, etc. now makes me wonder it it's really a "covering" or has our skin's composition changed so radically that what we're feeling is actually the new texture of our skin. Have any of you who have been working through your docs ever had that type of discussion?

August 26, 2011 - 7:26pm


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