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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Hi. I've finally figured out why the VCO can't wash off and why my skin became sticky. First here, is that after my hair with the vco was exposed to warm water during shampooing and rinsing, it turned into waxy form after. My hair literally feels like there's wax on it rather than oil. The water that ran down from my hair, and unto my body, somehow , it the vco goes with it and it seems to be embedded onto my skin , nails , and everything it comes in contact with; that includes the bathroom floor tiles , which has got the same sticky waxy feel I got on my skin.
The stickiness becomes stickier every time I wash with soap and shampoo, and warm water. That's because , the soap and shampoo somehow is attracted to the vco film surface that's embedded on my hair and skin. The oil turned waxy film in itself becomes sticky with warm temperature ( based on my observation). That's also the reason why when my body and hair is submerged in water, bubbles form and they're not the usual kind of bubbles that we see with soap. These are bubbles that doesn't burst unless the water is gone. I touched it with my fingers, and it moves without bursting!. Now for the reason it's not washing off from my hair and skin, it's because the soap and shampoo is actually just on that film's surface. It's not washing my hair and skin at all. That vco film that turned waxy after the first warm water exposure, it actually made my skin waterproof and hardcoated. To explain this, here's the incident. During those very sticky weeks, I tried using the bathtub , submerged myself in water, after 3 hours, my fingers and toes are not wrinkled at all. Normally, it will only take about 30 minutes for human skin to wrinkle when it is constantly in water. Aside from that, I hardly feel cold and can withstand cold temperature without wearing jacket, when usually, it takes me only 15 to 20 minutes in an airconditioned room, my hands would already be ice cold and I'd already be wearing a jacket. As for the hardcoat part, here's the incident. Again, during the very sticky weeks, I realized that no matter how hard I scratch my skin, it doesn't even get scratches and skin breaks; when my usual was, even just slight bump or scratch, I'd already be getting cuts and scraped skin from scratching.
Definitely it is not my skin or hair that has got a skin / hair condition. It definitely is that VCO film. Somehow, its structure changed when exposed to warm water/ temperature. I also noticed that with cold water,my hair, skin , lips, teeth, nails, becomes less shiny and less sticky. I later on realized that my teeth has got that film too, from whenever I drink something hot, those on the lips goes with the warm water and got stuck onto my teeth ( my teeth look extremely glossy gleaming . highly unusually. even my dentist was quite surprised to see that ). Thus I continued with that until after about 6 weeks, that's the time I can at least scrape the surface layer off.
Second thing here is, I realized that the layers of that film over my hair , skin, lips, nails, it seems it is whichever many times of warm water exposure I have, that's the number of layers on me. This was because those on my lips, after12 days of being able to scrape some off daily, the film finally feels thinner and I can almost feel my lips and much less waxy feel. From a scale of 1 to 10. I'd say now it's about 1 -2 ).
Definitely it's still coated on my hair. It still feels like plastic , literally like a plastic bag's texture when it is wet. When dry, about 8 weeks back, it still feels waxy to rubbery, and I can literally hear squeaking sound when tried to comb with my fingers. Now, it's a little better, the plastiky feel is somewhat minimally less, and my hair can now sway a little like normal hair does.
Second thing is, initially I thought that vco oily turned waxy film coated on me from head to toe, I thought it made my nails brittle. Then few weeks ago, I realized that what chipped off after trimming my nails is not my nails chipping at all. It's actually that hardened vco layer that's embedded already on my entire body, it chipped off from my nails surface. I realized this because after I pulled off the chipped part, I scraped off the whitish area, and took a closer look, there I saw my nails was actually intact and that what chipped off was a shinny hard layer that is definitely not human nails. After which, I noticed that my fingertips, they're thicker than my usual and that my palms' usual lines are much less visible, actually, the finer ones are almost gone. That means, that layer on my palm is quite thick. I am certain of that because I can feel that's a layer between my hands and anything I touch. It actually feels like a layer of film over the skin and whenever I rub my finger together, it literally feels and sounds like wax. Now after 3 weeks of being able to scrape some off, I can at least feel more of my skin, but definitely I know it's still there, but much less in thickness .also, now it doesn't feel and sound as waxy. It will take time to scrape everything off.
As for those of you out there who have sticky skin problem, my advise is , you have to find out the cause first. That's when you can find the solution. And , be very observant. I am very observant, that's why I was able to find the cause and how to prevent it from getting stickier.
Try to trace back what have you used that was not your usual before it happened. Another thing here is, dermatologist don't even know what to do about it. And since they don't know what to do about it, they don't have the "face" to admit that they don't know, they'd just tell you any reason they can think of or tell you you're nuts. That's what I got from the VCO company's dermatologist friend who actually has conspired with the vco company to persuade me that there's nothing stuck on my skin! That's very unethical of that woman! She did not even take a look at my skin and hair,and my gleaming shinny nails she said it's normal when I know it's not my normal. Later on, I found out that the vco company's owner already talked to her about the case and even before I walked into her clinic, she already know what to say to me, without even taking a close look !
I hope you all can find a way to eliminate the sticky thing on you. But definitely, no dermatologist will admit to you that he or she doesn't know how to fix this sticky thing. The best person to help would be someone in the chemistry field who can analyze the product you've used right before this happened to you. In my case, it was easy for me to rule out which product was it because I don't use make-up, lotions, perfumes, and so on. The only things I used are my usual shampoo which I've used for 3 years already, the same conditioner I've used for more than 5 years already, the same body wash that I've always used. The only thing I used that was new and different was the virgin coconut oil. So for those of you out there, beware vco brands. Buy the ones that are trusted brands and quality. I got mine at a drugstore because the ones sold on stalls are closed already. Unfortunately, that day, the only brand available at that drugstore was this one that caused me this much trouble. I surely regret I bought that because I got lazy to just squeeze out the coconut milk from the coconut meat, which I've done so since growing up years and never caused me problem such as this.
So there people, beware. I can't mention the brand I bought. But I know it is being exported also to US.

July 24, 2011 - 10:07am


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