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Kacha, (Chriz here.)
Yes, I am planning on experimenting. First with other folks using my water and then w/me using other's water (different sites). I'm also going to 'test for mold' in case the window I was working with had it in the tracks, and test the tap water with a kit (I have results from one I did about 5 years ago for a baseline).

Also trying to figure out how to test for the Serratia marcescens bacteria...?

Onset was so sudden that I'm half expecting this condition to go away. If it does I will of course post. Right now I'm trying to avoid using paper towels (PTs) which seems to help a bit, but not entirely. (Plus, I think I might actually be drying my hands more thoroughly now). And, also planning to switch PT brands (after contacting Bounty).

May 20, 2011 - 12:44am


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