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EmpowHER Guest

Thankyou Chriz for all the info! (this is Kacha again)
It was very interestin reading, and my mind is workin full spin trying to get the clues together... My latest episode of stickyness started after exposure to both plastic cast on broken foot and using paper towels to scrub hands afterwards. It can not however be only the paper towels, since the foot that also got sticky never was in contact with them.I just wish we could have a chemist and doctor reading through ALL of our comments to try and figure out, what the **** this is. I am quite certain that ther are different on triggers, but there seems to be similar stories too... First time I got it ten years ago it was initialy glue,on hands and the chemichal spread, or at least the stickyness spred. Not spreading this time, sofar, but the ecakt same stickyness to the skin. Paper towels and and glue might have the resin in comment, and also a paper magazine i was in contact with when another one of my sticky episodes started. but since not everyone gets sticky from that same product I think some sort of reaction call it allergy or sensitivty is present, atleastt for me. If it wouldnt me so mean, one would almost wish that you could try having someone else visit you, and try step by step to see if they also get sticky....clean window first wash with water from a bottle,check stickyness, then trying to use your faucet and see if stickyness appears...But who would be willing to test is the question and of course you dont want anyone else cathing this, but it would be interesting
as an experiment. Hmm. / kacha

May 18, 2011 - 3:36pm


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