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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Oh dear oh dear...hey anonymous!
I recognise your dilemmas, from the time I first got sticky about ten years ago...(this is kacha, read my earlier posts)) I had exposure to some kind of glue from an old sticker and all the family members eventually got affected with a type of sticky film on our skin. We tried to wash it of with everything we could think of, nothing helped.... except time... But at the time this happened we did actually get advise from a chemist to soak in "painting soda" i dont know the rigth name for it in english,but the idea was that it was alchalic and might work as a solvent for he residue on our skins... Since an anonymous person above was talking about soaking in clorox, I wanted to bring this up...I did not ever dare to try it cause I got severe ecsema from the stickynes, but my mom did, but got no result...guess it was not the right solvent, or, it spread itself again since it is hard to soak your entire body and face...
For all these years I´ve been thinking abot what happens when we get exposure to chemicals and they wont wash of...and why they dont...I think you would need close contact with both a chemist (to actually have a shot at finding the Right solvent for whatever it is you have got stuck on you skin) and a skindoctor to get result, cause experimenting with all kinds of thing can make it worse, or even spread it more... our stickyness spread via oil and sweat, and touching the same objects, so on, that was the scary part of it. I am afraid that once you get weird chemical reactions on yur skin and residues of the kind you descibe, or the kind i was exposed to, you have to consider that it probaably has soaked into you pores and therefore is very hard to get rid of....My personal theori is that both the residue itself, but also a response from the immune system to the eventually toxic components of such things might be the thing causing the sticky film to stay on for so long... Since the skin renews itself every six weeks or so i think the cells that are beeing new produced gets " programmed" to be sticky too...sund like a horror moveie, but thats the only thing i can think of why it would keep beeing sticky when skin renews itself, maybee Im not making sence but i have actually discussed this with a chemist who has done a lot of research on the "cocktail effects" of chemicals and low dose exposure of chemicals and found out that even in very very small doses, and in combination with other substances, a relatively unharmful chemichal can cerate really harmful effects....For me this has been an eye opener to what we are putting on our bodies, and I would recommend NEVER to use produts that contains plastic components and other unnatural stuff ( many many shampoos and soaps and lotions do!) cause if you have bad luck the chanses are you will have a bad combination of products... Also NEVER use old products since chemicals age over time and may and may easier react in combination and create this horror moveie-like experiences it is when a sobstance spreads itself creating changes in skin and wont come off for years... take care using ONLY natural stuff on yor skin and for cleaning your home etc...is my advise.
The good thing is that time will eventually make your residue come of I think, if you dont get any luck trying solvents...Im sorry I dont have any better suggestions for solvents... try to talk to a chemist before you do anything...maybe call a lab and ask, they are used to get stuff on them and what to use to get rid of it... the person who suggested painting soda was a chemical lab worker...but it didnt help so.. worth a try even though
Since hot water seems to be the thing for you that dont get it worse, keep doing that.... thats what I did and after about two years it almost disappered for me... i used only water and tryied to wash the more sticky parts of the body separately to not, "spread it all around all the time" used cotton swabs to wash different parts carefully bit by bit evry time i showered and threw them away afterwords using new onces every time... after 2 yers it got better and then almost disappeared when i put natural rose oil lotion on...this would not work earlier on since it just stayed on top of the film , but after 2 years the stickyness was so much better that the rose lotion i think cold actualy soak in and then help teh skin cells back to normal via nutrion i think.
i also would like to know if the person who wrote anonymous about the chlorox has personal experience with it, and why chlorox would work as a solvent? whe dont know WHAT it is causing the sticky residue, for some of us maybe bacteria, for some of us a actuall chemical residue, for some of us maybe a change in skin structure, or components of the sweat, the comment you made about poly stach and sugars and proteins was very interesting...
I have had my sticky skin come back after new contact with chemicals but only parts of my body and i have been thinking it is for me now a pure allergic reaction a sensitivity bacause of the first exposure/accident, and I was thinking that i t might be starch or sugars from an overactive immune responce in the skin that makes the stickyness now...that, however does not explain why the skin is sticky when newly washed where you would have washed of the sugary staches or whatever that comes out...nope more sticky after washing...I therefore think it is a change in skin structure also, for me...
the theories abot bacteria and mold are also interessting, but why my episodes starts of after contact with chemicals does not make sense with the mold/ bacteria theorie,,. perhaps if the chemical reactionimmune response it self results in a change in microflora on the skin makeing a good environment for bacteria that produce sticky residue...puh... end of theory thinking for now, just end up in cirkels, wishing i was chemist my self or coud look in a microscope.
just want to find aot whats wrong and get a cure...
I feel for u anonymous with the residue, and hope yousrs resolve faster than mine did! do water and cotton swab til the body pusches it away itself...it might disppear after six weeks when the skin is renewed...I hope so!
Not every chemical is as nigtmarish and spreads itself as easy as our did...but whe need to not be silent when this happenes since whe need toa raise awereness about how distrustful many of the chemicals in our environments and homes are.
keep in contact for support.
and diane ande the rest of you, thinking about you, even though i dont write often due to lack of energy from my ME diagnose.) did you try the vit E treatment or was the side affects to many? Im on high dose vit D now since my doctor discovered I i had very low values of that. Maybe that will help, helps the immune system supposedly... we will see...
And please anonomuus with the chlorox trewtment, keep in contact you too, and could you please explain you theories a little bit more?since you seem knowledgeable about chemistry and skin?

May 15, 2011 - 1:50pm


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