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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

HI. thanks for the advise.
um , I've tried soaking in vinegar, it didn't work What i noticed is, when i just wash with water, the stickiness seems to lessen but there still has this dried oil film that can't come off with just water. When I use any soap/ detergent/ liquid body wash/ even Cetaphil , it seems to get stickier in a way it creates a film over the dried oil layer.
Then I tried it adding vinegar to soap/ detergent etc, it created a gooey film that won't wash off with soap/ detergent. It seems like the soap/body wash residue bound with the oil layer?
When washing with water only, the water tub get this powdery like feel on the rim of where the water level ends.
What do you think? will soaking in saline water work to remove it?

May 14, 2011 - 10:25pm


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