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EmpowHER Guest

What probably bugs people most, are components that are formed in and on the skin by a large set of organisms.

The skin is the largest organ of the body and much secretion is the case.

LPS (lipo-poly-sacharides) starch, sebum, etc etc.

One rational attempt to deplete plastic like components from the skin is by using sodium hypochlorite (Clorox)

Also a mix with sodium hypochlorite and citric acid(lemon acid) can be tried.

Citric acid can be found as a coffee and wash machine decalcifier in the supermarket.

The Pfizer protocol indicates that you add one cup Clorox to a 30 minute warm bath, every day, for about fourteen day's.

You also can add a few spoons citric acid to one cup of Clorox and add this to your bath.

Tip: If you have no access to a bath, you can make a suspension in a plastic bottle and use it as you like.

The trick is that you softly scrub with a soft wash cloth, or scrub glove, except where skin repair takes place.

Prolong penetration.

Also a Classic alkaline rich soap bar like Dettol (the yellow colored/UK version/chloroxylenol containing soap) is a good choice.

Classic soap needs to be turned into a thick foamy lather, and the lather must be allowed to penetrate the skin for a few minutes before it is rinsed off.

Also soaking in a bath with a Classic bath salt can be useful.
Use (sea) salt if you like.

Avoid modern protein based skin products, or check out if they are with the potential to clean, not clog the skin.

Skin should feel a little "tacky" after a shower and/or bath.

To cream back is only rational if the skin "pulls" or shows other signs of being dried out.

Per definition you can obtain a good balance with classic alkaline soap bars and it would cost you not much more than $1.50 per bar. Sea salt, or salt (sodium chloride) will cost less.

Only soak/scrub sound skin, thus avoid touching skin lesions.
Skin lesions can best be protected with a plaster until healed.

Optimal hand hygiene should regularly include a surgical scrub, this means: scrub with classic soap from the top of your fingers to about half way above the elbow.
Dry hands thoroughly.
Do not share bath towels.
Regularly clean all sanitary provision.

Give extra attention to the nails.
Give extra attention to the feet.

May 12, 2011 - 5:11am


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