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i have a simular kind of problem, since i moved into a new property, whenever i take a bath or shower, even rinse my hands in the water my skin is sore, very dry, and i get a rash on my body, it also affects my hair, when i wash it i cant do anything with it, it has some kind of coating on it,that blocks the use of any hair products, it affects my make up,my mascara wont apply properly, because my eyelashes also have the same coating, my eyebrows stand out more not flat, and are also difficult to shape, no matter how much i try to flatten them, my foundation dosnt apply properly it looks awfull, neither my mousturiser, on the tips of my fingers they are very course, and around my nails, a build up of hard skin, its given me a constant rash on my eye lids, which is embarrasing, i get bumps on my face, painfull lumps, like acne,its thinning my hair, and my skin has become very saggy, i know this sounds nuts, but my skins elasticity has gone, my arms, legs belly and butt are saggy, my joints ach all the time, the clothes shed fibres, and fall apart, the bath and hand towels thin rapidly, and look like they are 10 yrs old after a couple washes, its decintegrated the mop, had to replace it 5 times, i wiped my wooden table its stripped all the shine off it, everything it comes into contact with it eats into it, corodes it, i cant drink it, it tastes terrible,and gives mr painfull tummy, the water comes from a comunial tank, and all the other residents have the same problem, but wont help, the water supplier says its not hard water, and that the council are responsable, because it comes from there comunial tanks, iam living in misery, i rarely go out due to the embarrasement of the state of my skin and hair, can anyone help me with this, bizzare situation

May 22, 2012 - 6:36pm


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