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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Lol, good point but I pet my dog after i thoroughly dry my hands. he is a husky with no appearant skin issues, at all. My skin issues are only when i'm wet. i tested yesterday and it is sticky on every part of my wet body, but when i'm dry there is no noticing it. I changed soaps a few years ago. I have an allergy to deoderants so i used ivory for years. i switched to Dial antioxidant daily skin defense & Extra glycerin. Maybe this soap doesn't leave a residue and skin is supposed to be tacky when wet by mother nature. Maybe we don't usually notice it because of oils and soap films left when we use other soaps. I've read in these posts of many perceived possibililties, some may be related issues and others may not. Maybe we are just cleaner these days. has anyone ever pet a dolphin, they dont feel like you would expect. I pet my dog after drying my hands because it makes my skin feel silkier. many dogs I pet lead me to washing my hands for stinkyness, mine is a husky without stinkyness. I bought him for that purpose, not noisy and not stinky (though shedding may make up for it). His har feels silky as a bunny and petting him takes the last residue of stick away. I am absolutely not afraid of passing fido anything.

I've visited people before and took showers at their home and it seemed that the saop could never be washed off (soft water?). maybe what we experience is a combination of type of water in our home and the type of soap we use to wash. just a thought, take care everyone, i'll keep my head in this door to see what others have to say.


April 19, 2012 - 9:43am


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