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EmpowHER Guest

Hi, All. Lora, here.
Seems like we go a few months without any discourse, and then someone new joins. After reading the last post it makes me wonder if surely, someone who has written here must work in a health related field or know a nurse or doctor?

And I did want to suggest to the person who pets their dog - might want to be careful not to pass it on to Fido. My cat has been having repiratory problems since I began with this stuff, so, I don't know if it's related to what I have, but I don't pet him when my hands are sticky. Has anyone else noticed problems with pets?
From a humorous and imaginative perspective (to keep from going crazy) I fantasize that come the end of this year, when the talk is that the universal sh** is gonna hit the fan, at least we'll be protected from absorbing anything into our bodies through the skin! ;-)

April 17, 2012 - 7:10pm


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