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Yes, my clothes get a sticky residue in them sometimes if that is what you mean by aging faster, if I wear a glove when a little sweaty during a sticky skin episode the glove gets all "shaped" after my hand when it dries afterwords, as if it is full of starch.
And yes I have flushing of face ears and ecspecially nose and cold hands/feet and get sweaty when im cold. Reacts to cold by sweating too, kind of irritating.
I have been sticky in my eyes and my dentist noticed the sticky skin syndrome in my mouth several years ago. last time they said that my saliva seemed strange, and my teeth are now getting bad really fast due to something. I do however have ME too, that might affect all these things but I got my ME as a result from the first toxic chemichal exposure/ sticky skin episode years ago....
/ Kacha

April 15, 2012 - 8:49pm


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