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Anonymous (reply to just_jenn)

Hi Jenn,
The allergy theory is most likely right for all of us. One of my 'allergies' is to the product of the microbes in the hot water tank - or the microbes themselves. My wife is not affected by them so is not allergic to that specific trigger. She was not effected at home or while we were away in Florida. I am lucky that I know what my trigger is and how to correct it.

The hard part is figuring out what is the allergen that uniquely affects each of us. In your case it may be one of the molds that is the trigger. I am leaning to the the belief that it is an external substance that causes our problems and the skin reacts to protect itself. Whether it is carried in water, as is my case, or the air, such as the many molds, or even carried in our clothes, as suggested in the washing machine scenario, it all comes down to the skin not liking being subjected to an allergen.

Some are lucky in that if they go to another location for a holiday they improve and then revert when back at home. I say lucky because it does narrow down the search some. In my case if I had not found a cure before leaving home I would have thought my problem was systemic since I would have continued being sticky while away. We must be aware that we can take the problem with us due to contaminated items we take along. It could be our clothes, automobile, suitcases, food items ... Molds are bad because the spores get into everything we have and are undetectable - except to some peoples systems.

Extreme scenario:
To 'go away' from ones problem one would have to start fresh, not taking anything from home - that means nothing at all! This would mean new suitcases and clothes bought and packed away from the house and not carried in your car, which may be contaminated also. If we do make the assumption it is an external trigger all contaminated articles and toiletries we usually use would have to be replaced for the trip - one or two weeks should show improvement if we have left the trigger at home. Non-allergenic toiletries and soaps would have to be bought - different from the ones normally used. Even a shower somewhere other than home and change to new clothes would be necessary before setting off. This may be the only way to have a chance of proving the problem is not systemic and it is in your home environment. Unfortunately it is still possible that the place you go may have the same trigger that you are leaving at home. As noted that is what would have happened to me if I had not found my trigger before I went away.

I don't know if I would go to that extent. I was not affected long enough to be driven to that kind of extreme. It is tough to know what to do since we have hundreds of possibilities that could cause our problems. Since the medical community does not have any answers one must keep eliminating possibilities. For many there is a 'cure' if that trigger can be found.

Take care,


February 23, 2012 - 9:47pm


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