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Hey All,

I can tell you that today, while in the office of my daughter's school, I noticed a very musty smell (as though the carpet was damp). I have a pre-existing allergy to mold. Within about an hour I was clenching my stomach and developed a reeling headache. My skin is now waxy and oily.
Through diet, I have been able to keep the skin thing in check for the most part. When I feel it starting I drink an apple cider vinegar-type of tea mixture and it seems to balance out my system. Also, I know that dairy and a food additive called xantham gum makes my skin worse.
And the sun does make it better... A doc in Florida actually told me that. Vitamin D as well (in oil form).
It's sad and scary to me how much my health has changed in the last 3 years.


February 22, 2012 - 4:19pm


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