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Hi all. Edward again.
Here are some interesting findings from our resort stays:
1) A week at each of three resorts - all gave me sticky skin with the water. Two were in Orlando and may have had the same supply but were widely spread so could be different sources. Middle week was in Sebring.
2) The first water could be partly corrected with the after treatment with peroxide being added in the hot bath water. It seemed to be the softest water of the three.
3) I found Sebring's had the lower element in the hot water heater burnt out and that water made me the most sticky. Also it was the hardest and peroxide did not help. They fixed the water heater but could not treat it with peroxide so could not draw any conclusions.
4) The second week in Orlando seemed to have harder water than the first and after treatment of the bath water had marginal results.
5) The hardness of the water seems to make a difference in being able to wash the sticky off ones skin. The soap fights the hardness rather than the 'wax' on the skin I guess.
6) The peroxide has no direct effect on the sticky skin. It just kills off what is making the sticky substance on the skin. This allows the soap to remove the substance and prevent it being reformed (by the skin?).
7) Had a day visit to another resort during each of the first and third Orlando weeks. It was at a resort south of Orlando. In each case I took a shower there before using their pool. In their water I was able to get rid of the sticky feeling. The stickies returned when I used the water back in the Orlando resorts.
8) Back home now so should be able to get my skin back to normal since our water has been treated.

Will let you know if the sticky skin does not go away at home.


January 30, 2012 - 6:11pm


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