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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Hi Bizzy,
If you look back at the posts you will see that the 'zinc microbes' is just short for microbes that live on the zinc rod in the water heater. This is fairly common and the peroxide is the way to kill them off and let the zinc rod do its cathodic protection job without any rotten egg gas being produced.
We have had water softeners in all our houses and it always makes the water better for washing everything, people included. They have never been the cause of the skin problems. However you have to make sure the backwash cycle is long enough so that you do not have an excess of salt solution coming through the pipes. The extra salt will make you feel like you have been swimming in the ocean without showering afterwards. It is a sticky feeling but does not have the waxy waterproof effect.

January 24, 2012 - 6:45pm


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