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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Edward again. Sorry - another long post.
Gave it my last shot at this resort. Soaked and scrubbed - was waterproof and sticky. Used the shampoo provided by the resort and lost both waterproof and sticky! But wait - I continued soaking and in 15 minutes I started to go waterproof again. Seems like I scrubbed the substance from my skin, with the soap, but the skin kept producing it since the water was still contaminated.
This is the longest soak ever! I added more hot water and 16 ounces of peroxide. Continued soaking and a scrub did not clear up the waterproof. Scrubbed all over with the shampoo again, waterproof and sticky disappeared, and then kept soaking. After another 30 minutes of soaking and checking for waterproof I was still 'normal'.
Looks like there may be some merit in this approach. One would not need to do the full body soak to test it out or soak as long as I have done. Simply add a little peroxide to a bowl of hot water and in a few minutes wash an effected part of ones body. See if the stickiness is gone or reduced. It would show that your water is a problem and needs correcting.
I will see what happens at the next resort however I doubt that I will be as 'lucky' again and be able to test out the theory further.
This condition can be beat!

January 13, 2012 - 8:08pm


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