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Hi all. Bizzy here (new). I've been searching around trying to find a definitive solution to this problem of sticky skin. I know 100% that it is the water. I just bought a house in Deltona, FL and currently live in an apartment. I do not have this problem in the aprartment but I do at the new house. Luckily, we are in the apartment until March, so we can sort out the problem before moving in completely.

The house is on city water and has a water softener. The apartment is on a different city's water supply and is not softened. Looking at other aspects of the house (which is only 6 years old), I suspect that the previous owners do not have the softener system set up properly and I will need to find a water expert to come in and offer a solution.

One experiment I have not carried out yet is simply hooking up a PUR faucet filter and washing my hands in filtered tap water. If that works, then I will definitely get a whole house filter system.

January 13, 2012 - 6:05am


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