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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Hi Kacha and Lora (sorry I got your name wrong Lora. I have a niece Laura and it was automatic to spell that way!)

This 'after treatment' has got me thinking about other ways to treat the water for a trial to see if it is your water causing the problem. When treated in the tank the water can be used fairly soon after with positive results. If one was to treat a bath tub of water and then bathe in it you should have the same results.

I am not at home so cannot try any tests for about a month. And since I do not have sticky skin now I would not be able to prove anything either way. Other than the peroxide in the bath water not causing problems.

If I was on an untreated system I would try this:
1. Run a tub of water hot enough that you can not keep your hand in it for more than a couple of seconds without discomfort. You will only need 1/2 to 2/3 of the tub full since your body will fill the rest.
2. Pour in 1/2 cup of the drug store peroxide and stir it around. This should neutralize the water the same as if the tank had been treated.
3. Keep checking the temperature of the tub until you can comfortably put your forearm in to the water.
4. Do not add or use any soap during the next phase.
5. Immerse your entire body in the tub. See if you have the common 'waterproof' effect where the water beads up and runs off your skin leaving it dry when you lift a part out of the water. Soak for as long as 20 minutes. You should feel quite hot by this point.
6. Use a clean wash cloth to scrub your body down. The temperature, time and scrub is a common way to exfoliate your skin removing the dead skin cells. Do not scrub an area that is already sore or raw. See if you are still waterproof and or sticky.
7. I think my waterproof/sticky was reduced on the first bath after treating the tank. It completely disappeared in one or two more baths. Therefore you may have to do this more than once to get a complete effect but should notice a change even during the first attempt if theory is correct.

Since I cannot try this sequence first it is 'TRY AT YOUR OWN RISK'. The only thing I have not tried is the adding of peroxide at this point. So that is your major consideration to make your decision.

The least you should get is probably the softest skin you have had in a long while, since your natural oils have not been depleted and your hard dead skin has been removed! Also you will be clean. With the long soak and scrub, along with the dead skin goes the dirt and sweat etc leaving you clean without soap.

If anyone is brave enough to try this let us know how it works in your case. Everyone is different, and the reason for sticky skin may also be different, so the results may be good for some and have no effect for others.


January 6, 2012 - 9:06pm


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