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G'day, I got a couple of questions.
A couple of weeks ago, my Girlfriend and I were doing foreplay (our genitals revealed though) my penis had pre-cum. Unfortunately, I touched it. But I wiped it off on some clothes and went to finger her. Could this get her pregnant? We're both virgins
Also, we're thinking of having sex for the first time, and I was just wondering, if the guys feel themselves ejaculate for the first time? Because, I had inserted my penis inside a little, but pulled away slowly and I thought I felt my self ejaculate but it wasn't really "explosive' I then touched my penis and it was slightly wet, (around where the urethra was though) I thought this could be her lubricants, or I had ejaculated or just pre-cum. I'm not sure, I need some help on this.
She is also getting a sore stomach when she wakes up. But, she also had it once at around 11 PM.

I need to know this thing. It was stupid of me to not use protection, and I don't want to hear it. I just want my mind at ease.

Thank you :)

August 5, 2011 - 8:49pm


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