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(reply to Anonymous)

If your girlfriend hasn't been in to see a doctor since you two started being sexually active, now is the time for her to get a check-up. It's important for her (you may want to get checked out too) to meet with the doctor about her reproductive health, and get a pap-smear. The doctor also may recommend a human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine (you should get one too), to safeguard from contracting this sexually transmitted infection. It is possible one or both of you may be a carrier for it. It's the most common STI. Additionally, the doctor can at that time determine if her vaginal secretions and odor are normal. A medical professional needs to treat any infection, and it's not a good idea to try self-help methods related to your genitals, unless suggested by a doctor.
Hope that all makes sense. Kudos for advocating for your girlfriend's health.

May 6, 2011 - 9:23am


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