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(reply to Anonymous)

Hi Anonymous,
I really did want to know how you're doing. Please try to remain calm. There is slight risk from what you describe. But more than likely you are not pregnant from what happened. If you could be more sure he was using a condom, your risk would be even less.
I would be more concerned about this "jerk", who's spreading rumors about you. Do you have some good friends you can rely on right now? Have you told them what happened? Can you talk with him and tell him what he's doing is not cool? It may even just be better to let it blow over and not get involved. I know how things like this can be upsetting and make you feel ill. But please be assured it's more than likely not because of any possible pregnancy. It's just stress from what happened. It may be a good idea to try and not get caught up in the drama of what happened. If you need to, talk with a trusted adult or school counselor--you don't have to name names, just get it off your chest what happened, and they likely will be able to help you get past it. If that doesn't sound like something you want to do, just try rely on close friends, and focus on your school work. Thank goodness it's nearly Spring Break--the time off may be good for you. Try to avoid any future run-ins with the jerk, and stay away from sex to keep from worrying needlessly? What do you think?
If you need more support, check out these resources:
My Experience with Teen Sex, Am I Ready to Have Sex? Ten Things That Need to be True, and Scarleteen.com.

March 10, 2011 - 9:46am


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