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Alright, so I know this is a pretty common issue for teens: but I'm terrified that I'm pregnant.

I'm sixteen, almost seventeen, and have NOT had sex. I repeat, I have NOT had sex... but there WAS genital contact. Very brief, only a few minutes... but that's all it take, eh? I am not sure, but it is possible (and likely) that there was pre-ejaculatory liquid on the tip, though the tip and vaginal lips only touched for a brief moment, and he had used the restroom no more than an hour and a half before.

It's been two months since then, and I had two periods. The first was late by roughly week. The next one was on time... but here, my third one is late. The last two were accompanied by severe cramps, as well as being the usual five days, and bleeding my normal amount (if that's the proper term).

But... I've been very sluggish for the last month, not wanting to do anything at all, and have been sleeping in extreme excess. I've had bubbly type gas in my stomach for the past week, as well as the fact my breasts have grown a cup size. I have also noticed I've put on a bit of weight around my stomach as well. I think I've been freaking myself out about my breasts, and while they didn't seem overly sensitive before, or darker, I think I've been making it so in my head. I had heart burn once, but my entire family did that night, and I had been nauseous for the last few days (it's gone now)... but I think that was just nerves. I've had a lot of vaginal discharge, but I can't tell if it's more than usual.

I have been extremely stressed out as well, and have been told repeatedly that I am NOT pregnant... but some reassurance would me nice. I'm sorry for the excess information, but I'm afraid.

Someone please help me? All my thanks.

April 1, 2012 - 3:31pm


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