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EmpowHER Guest

I agree with Anonymous, who posted July 10. You can preach about this all you want, but as an addict in recovery, I can assure you that this is a very real, incredibly hurtful and destructive disease. I have absolutely no control over my sexual behavior. I browse personals sites, in particular Craigslist, compulsively, all day, for hours and hours at a time, every day. I respond to hundreds of ads, some of which lead to anonymous encounters. When I'm finished, I feel remorseful, swear I'll never do it again, until the next day, or week, in which the cycle repeats itself. It has destroyed two relationships in my life and, if I can't recover, will continue to destroy my life.

I'm trying as hard as I possibly can to stop. I attend two meetings a week. I have a daily check in partner. I use the serenity prayer and other tools of the SAA fellowship to regain sanity. I pray, I journal, I work on the 12 steps. I've seen some progress, but it's slow and painful.

Sorry, Dr. Klein, but you're wrong.

July 22, 2009 - 7:36am


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