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I'm so sorry you had to go through this experience. I'm surprised at doctors who take the words of a patient who has had an experience before and then promptly throw them out the window.

Thank you for writing about this. I hope every woman who reads it thinks back over any problem she's ever had in surgery or with anesthesia or other medical conditions, and makes a commitment to herself to make future doctors take her seriously.

And that includes allergies and sensitivities, too. I have an allergy to typical adhesive (like band-aids) or stitches made of catgut. So doctors have to be careful what they use to close a wound or a surgical cut. I've never had an experience like yours, when they listened to me and then went on and tried what they wanted to try anyway. And I hope I never do -- once was bad enough.

Thanks so much for writing.

May 28, 2009 - 7:42am


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