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EmpowHER Guest

My boyfriend stopped having sex with me for the past six months and he recently told me he has been watching porn. He told me that he wanted to masturbate to porn rather having sex with me, because he doesn't want to foreplay, tease, wear protection or etc. Basically, he doesn't want to try hard to get sex and that is why he's been turning to porn. I was so sad at first that I didn't want to be touched by him for a very long time. If a guy doesn't want to have sex with you for a long period of time, I suspect that he is getting it somewhere else but it doesn't necessarily mean cheating. Sex doesn't mean everything in a healthy relationship, but it is definitely an essential part of the relationship. I feel so deprived that crazy things go through my mind like cheating on him and breaking up with him, but my conscience stops me from doing so. I feel like it's selfish of my boyfriend to turn to porn to get easy sex, but at the same time I am resenting myself for being a not so compatible girlfriend for him. Everyday goes by, more and more I feel unattractive, unwanted, ugly, worthless, and sad. I don't think healthy relationships are supposed to make me feel so worthless and like garbage. I haven't left my boyfriend yet and he hasn't changed one bit even after we had a talk over this issue. I suggest you try to work this issue out with him or find a new life without him.

June 26, 2011 - 10:15am


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